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How do I renew checked out items?

1788 views   |   0   0   |   Last updated on Apr 24, 2024    Circulation Questions


Checked out items can be renewed in person, via telephone or online. *Note: Renewals are not always for the same length of time as the original loan period.  The new due date is calculated from the date the renewal is submitted.

In Person

Checked out materials can be renewed at the front desk. You do not need to bring the items with you to renew them, but you will need to bring your Dominican University New York ID so the staff can look up your account. Tell the staff which books you wish to renew and they will make the renewals for you. A receipt will be printed out indicating the new due date for those items.


Call the front desk at 845-848-7505. Provide the circulation staff with your full name and the items that you wish to renew. Be sure to write down the new due date for your renewed items.

Renewing Online

1) On the Sullivan Library homepage, hover over “Find” then select “Articles, Books, ebooks, and more.”

2) Click on the “Sign In” link.

3) If you are not already signed into your DUNY Outlook Account, it will prompt you to do so. Once you are signed in, click on the “Folder” link.

4) This will bring you to a screen with everything you have saved, including ebooks and articles. Click on the "Loans" link:


5) On this page you can see which books you have checked out. Go to the materials you would like to renew and select the "Renew" button.

6) You should get an email to your DUNY account verifying that you have renewed your material and the new due date. 

Questions?  Give us a call at 845-848-7505 or email us at